Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions I receive regarding Turks and Caicos:
FLIGHTS: There are direct flights from many major cities in the USA including Atlanta and Miami. Flights from Miami are only 1.5 hours.
CURRANCY: US Dollars are used in Turks & Caicos. Banks and ATM machines are prevalent.
DRIVING: They drive on the LEFT side of the road in Turks. If you are comfortable driving on the left side (and going around roundabouts) you are welcome to rent a car, scooter or even ride a bike!
WATER: The water in Turks is filtered and safe to drink. You need not fear getting sick.
ACCOMODATIONS: Most resorts are in the Grace Bay area and directly on the Bright/Grace Bay Beach which is 12 miles long with great views of the sunset. Most resorts offer guests full kitchens or kitchenettes.
LANGUAGE: English is the main language on Turks & Caicos but because of the variety of nationalities you will definitely hear many other languages spoken during your stay.
SAFETY: Turks and Caicos is one of the safest islands I visit. I feel safe walking alone around town and walking the beach and have never heard of any crimes towards tourists.
FOOD: Turks is known for it’s fine culinary experience and you will not be disappointed – the food everywhere is excellent with a variety of flavors from around the globe. Turks continually brings in the best chefs from around the globe to cater to your culinary needs.

For more information on Turks & Caicos contact me at or